Black Earth Pavement, formerly known as Supersealers, traces its roots back to 1997 when two friends, fueled by ambition and armed with little more than a pickup truck, embarked on a journey that would shape their lives. What started as a means to fund college quickly blossomed into a heartfelt commitment to delivering top-notch quality and unwavering professionalism to every customer. By 2006, our humble beginnings had transformed into a thriving enterprise, marked by the addition of a second sealcoating crew and the establishment of an asphalt patching division. The acquisition of a building in Dousman in 2007 not only provided much-needed space for expansion but also became a symbol of our unwavering dedication to progress and innovation.
In 2013, a new chapter unfolded with the launch of our Asphalt Paving division, opening doors to a whole new realm of possibilities in serving our cherished residential and commercial clientele. As the paving division flourished, so did our commitment to building lasting connections within our community. The year 2016 saw the heartfelt transformation of an 1887 schoolhouse in Delafield into a vibrant hub that echoed with the spirit of our collective journey. With the addition of O’Hern Asphalt & Concrete in 2018, our family expanded, and our capabilities soared, ensuring that our warmth, dedication, and passion continue to pave the way forward. Today, as Black Earth Pavement, with over 50 dedicated team members, we embrace the future with open arms, driven by a shared commitment to delivering unparalleled asphalt and concrete solutions while nurturing the bonds that make our Lake Country community truly special.
We are committed to our clients by providing great service and quality; and to our employees by being loyal and supportive of their work.
We act in an honest and ethical manner in both our personal and professional life. We promote a culture based upon respect and ethical conduct.
We are committed to creating an environment that fosters teamwork, collaboration and employee empowerment.